Publications and Preprints
4. Decidability of the isomorphism problem between multidimensional substitutive subshifts. C. Cabezas, J. Leroy. arXiv. March. 2024.
3. Large normalizers of Zd-odometers systems and realization on substitutive subshifts. C. Cabezas, S. Petite. Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst., 44(12):3848-3877, 2024.
2. Homomorphisms between multidimensional constant-shape substitutions. C. Cabezas. Groups Geom. Dyn., 17(4):1259–1323, 2023.
1. Directional dynamical cubes for minimal Z^d-systems. C. Cabezas, S. Donoso, and A. Maass. Ergodic Theory Dynam. Systems, 40(12):3257-3295, 2020.