I am a postdoc researcher at Centro de Modelamiento Matemático (CNRS IRL2807), Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile. Supervised by Sebastian Donoso.
Previously I was a postdoc researcher at Université de Liège.
In September 2022, I received my Ph.D. at LAMFA from Université de Picardie Jules Verne under the supervision of Samuel Petite.
In May 2019, I completed the Master 2 of Fundamental Mathematics at Sorbonne Université and in March 2018 I completed a Master's degree at Department of Mathematical Engineering (Universidad de Chile) under the direction of Alejandro Maass and Sebastian Donoso.
From January 2023 to June 2024, I organized the Discrete Mathematics's seminar at Université de Liège.
My research interests are mainly centered in Multidimensional symbolic dynamics (specifically minimal Cantor systems), Topological dynamics and Ergodic theory for Z^{d}-actions and its interactions with different fields of mathamtics, such as automata theory, combinatorics on words, finite geometry, fractal geometry, and number theory.